William Odiomonafe
3 min readSep 20, 2020


Hello, this would be a quick short one. Just a bit of history to start with. In a bid to minimize funds, learn something new and explore, early this year (precisely in March 2020), I dabbled into UI/UX designs using Adobe XD and I must say my experience so far has been awesome.

Today’s tip/tutorial is one I believe will be of importance to newbies in UI/UX design using Adobe XD, I must say I found it uneasy in the beginning but got the hang of it soon enough.

I’d be sharing how to speed up designs using auto-generated fake data.

Adobe has in store numerous plugins that make design super cool, quick and professional and we’d be looking at one of them and thanks to the developer Ryan Arrindell.

Faker for XD

Straight away, install this plugin by Clicking on Plugins menu, and selecting “Discover plugins”. Next Click on the ‘Browse’ tab and input ‘Faker for XD’ in the search box.

Browse for Plugin…

Select the Plugin with the same name and click the blue ‘Install’ button at the top right of the window and wait for it.

Install Plugin

When installed you can immediately start using it by clicking on the Plugins menu where you’d see a list of installed plugins which Faker for XD is a part of. Click on the plugin name. This would activate the Plugins sidebar on your XD interface. You’d find lots of auto-generators like Address, Commerce, Company, Date, Name, Lorem Ipsum, Phone etc. We’d try out a name.

We’d be generating fake names with titles. So click on Names tab and a list of name sub-categories shows up. Click on ‘Prefix’ once. You should see the following in the Format preview {{name.prefix}}. Next, go ahead and click on First Name and then Last Name. You should now see in the Format preview {{name.firstName}} and {{name.lastName}} in addition to the {{name.prefix}}. And that’s all. Simply click on ‘Generate’ button and you should see your fake name generated in a textbox. Clicking the button further would generate more fake names and titles.

So that’s it for this article, I hope you find it easy as I did and once again, thanks to the developer. If you have a suggestion or question, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below and let's learn together.

